So the week that we get paid I plan to make a two week menu plan and buy everything I need for two weeks. My menu plan will be based on everything I have in my "pantry" (freezer, fridge and cupboards). The "off" week I will stop in to buy any amazing loss leaders, milk and fresh fruits and vegies if needed.
I'm happy to report that it worked! I thought it was going to be really really hard to get used to, but it wasn't at all. I really like the freedom this gives me, especially during this time of year. Last week when oranges were $.33/pound I should have bought a LOT more. Unfortunately I didn't know if they were going to be any good. It seems like this time of year they are always hit or miss.
During the week we did purchase a few needs like fritos, candy canes, hot chocolate and apple cider. What?!? Those aren't needs?
Prior to grocery shopping today my total was at $99.96.
Today I spent $5.00 on pasta to fill my pantry and then the rest of the money I spent was on grapefruit, bananas and milk.
Including today's purchases, my total for the month is $126.36.
We'll see if any more "needs" come up before next week!
Check out more grocery deals at Money Saving Mom and Grocery Cart Challenge!
This helps me save money as a single ..I was shopping online yesterday trying to buy for my son a Super Mario Bros Game.. I stumbled upon a site called EZWINGAME...they are running a free contest this week for a free Nintendo... Wanted to know if anyone has heard of this site..and what they think...thanks