Friday, January 15, 2010

Pantry Principle to the Rescue!

You know how I say plan, plan, plan?

You know what happens when you don't plan? Well, when you have cash to spend, you don't go over budget! I know for a fact if I would have used my credit card or debit card at the grocery stores today I would have spent too much money. I had a "kinda, sorta, plan". Years ago, back in the day, (insert a sigh as only a 10 year old can do) I would have walked up and down each isle to see what we "needed". Since I was out busy playing around yesterday I didn't have time to come up with a good plan. So I found the best deals on meat, fruits and veggies, grabbed milk and eggs and I'll wing it!

It is only because of the pantry principle that I can do this. I know I have butter, frozen veggies, flour, oats, a variety of meats and canned goods in my pantry. We might have some unique meals, but we will easily be able to eat at home.

If you want to start trying the pantry principle, the easiest thing to do is make a list of five things that you always run to the store for because you run out.  Next time you are at the store buy one extra of those items. If it is on sale buy a few! The idea is that you always shop from your pantry. If you run out of flour you don't run to the store, you go to your pantry and add that item to your grocery list.

I love my stockpile of food!

To date I've spent $197. I get money again on Jan. 31st which is when I usually do a bigger shopping trip so my numbers might look funky this month!

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