Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pantry Principle: The planning begins

I stopped by the store on my way to drop my daughter off at basketball practice. I thought I'd share how I start planning my purchases using the pantry principle.

Whenever I notice that I'm running low on something I add it to a list. The list MUST be kept in the same spot...throwing stickie notes around the house doesn't work. Seriously. I've tried it and it doesn't work.

I look through the sales flyer and look at my list to see what I need to buy. This next piece of advice is very important. Only do this ONE time! If you are a geek like me, you'll do it a lot. It's a big waste of time. Look through one time carefully, make a list, then you need to be done with it. I think this takes me 5 minutes. Last year when I was fairly new to this idea it would take me an hour (because I'd go through the ad over and over and over and over).

Here are the items I will probably buy:
  • Flour (white) $1.50 each (I'm trying to get away from using white flour, but when making brownies it just doesn't make sense to me to use whole wheat - any thoughts on this?)
  • Ketchup $2 (I don't have any in the pantry...not a great price, but a need)
  • California frozen veggies...I think this is cauliflower and broccoli mixed...I hope so! It's only $1.00/pound and I'm seriously low on veggies!
  • Miller Genuine Draft - yep, even beer goes on sale some times! This doesn't come from my grocery money budget
  • Total for groceries will be about $9.00 
I am hoping to make it to this store on Thursday when I pick up my kids from school.


  1. Johnlyn,
    Do you have a Food Lion in your area? I ask because I noticed an unadvertised special there this week. They have their brand in the 2 lb. size for around .69-77 cents. I got a few in different varieties. They also mark down their meat. I love it when that happens. :-)

    I know what you mean about pieces of paper. I look at the ads online and make my list using free software called Shopping List from Homeplan Software. It's a safe download.

    I think you do a super job of feeding your family for under $260 per month. Right now I'm at a hundred per week. I'm tempted to keep working on the two-week thing and then maybe go for monthly. I can at least give it another shot. Right? :-)

    Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. Nope, no Food Lion. Safeway, Lueders (a small locally owned store) and Walmart. Our Sam's Club is 45 miles away.

    I think the biggest mistake I made with my two week grocery shopping was trying to make a menu plan for two weeks. Once I had my pantry stocked better (needed more meat!) then I didn't have to worry about a plan as much.

    I haven't heard of Homeplan software, I'll have to check it out! Thanks for posting.
