Sunday, May 9, 2010

Buying a 1/4 of a Beef

After watching Food, Inc., I became very interested in where our meat comes from and how it is processed. Prior to watching this movie ALL I cared about was getting the cheapest beef. In fact, I did a taste test and found that the $1.50/lb hamburger tasted the same as the $3.50 burger I bought at a butcher shop. In fact, I may have liked the $1.50/lb better.

However, recently a local rancher sold me a few pounds of burger and that was AMAZING!

My reasons for wanting to buy a part of a beef:
  • I want to have my burger come from one cow.
  • Ease of menu planning.
  • Support the local economy.
I only buy steaks once a year, so I can't say that the price averages out for our family because we wouldn't have bought the extra steaks anyway.  My husband wants to know if the reasons I listed,  justify paying an extra $1.00/lb.

Hmmmmmm.....good question. I think I'll know the answer in a few more months!

I spent $383 and got the following:
  • 38 pounds of beef
  • 8 packs cube steaks
  • 6 packs sirloins
  • 4 packs t-bones
  • 3 packs rib steak
  • 3 packs stew meat
  • 1 tenderloin
  • 1 rib steak
  • 6 - 3lb roasts
  • 4 packs ribs
I haven't bought a side of a beef for years so I am not sure how long this meat will last. I am going to try to have a simplified summer menu including meals of chicken, beans, veggies and beef so we don't use up all of the beef in a few months!

This post is linked to:
Money Saving Mom
Grocery Cart Challenge


  1. I am working on placing my first beef order! I can't wait to see how long your beef lasts you and if you think it is worth it.

  2. Our 1/4 beef easily lasts us a year plus. ((2 adults and 2 toddlers - so we do not have a teenager) Not only do we find our local beef tastes better it also tends to be leaner. I never have to drain my ground beef. I would never go back to store bought! The beef we get is raised part corn and part pasture (which I find is the norm for beef and dairy farmers in our area)

    I have never actually seen Food Inc. though I have read a lot about it and seen clips. From my viewpoint as a farmwife (non-livestock) living in a highly agricultural area - it appears to take the extreme of a situation and apply it more broadly than is actually true.

    However local beef is definitely the way to go for taste, and variety. Yes it is more expensive for ground beef, but much cheaper for steak and roasts. Hope you enjoy it!

    I hope you enjoy it!
