- You get $25 for a one year old and $25 for a 17 year old boy?
- You get $25 for a one year old and $25 for a marathon runner?
- Area you live in (some places are much cheaper, some places much more - Hawaii anyone?)
- You can't save money from one week and spend it the next week. In other words, you can't use the pantry principle.
- It doesn't take dietary restrictions into account.
- It could be encouraging cheap processed yucky for you food
- I am recording my purchases again with a lot of detail. I am questioning every purchase that I make. I'm asking myself if my purchase fits in with my priorities. Is my spending in alignment with my goals and values.
It looks like I'm not spending very much money. I've spent $133 so far this month for my family of 4. I make bulk purchases at Sam's Club, Azure Standard, a local rancher for a side of beef and a local butcher shop for a 1/2 pig.
My grocery budget happens to be $400 for my family of 4, but I don't spend $100 maximum a week. Here's my budget break down:
- $100 for bulk meat purchases
- $50 Sam's Club
- $50 Azure Standard
- $45 weekly (carry over any amount that I don't use)
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