Monday, August 30, 2010

Are We Eating?

I tried making up a menu plan.

Then I looked in my wallet - why does my money keep disappearing from my envelope? When I become lazy in food preparation, unfortunately I always pay for it that the kids are back in school I'll have more time to record my spending!

For now, I'm cleaning out the fridge/freezer and taking it one day at a time. I was going to run into a store today to grab just a few things, but I'm going to see how long I can make it.

Breakfast was toast and ham
Lunch was chicken salad on a tortilla (note: when one is allergic to wheat don't eat the tortilla!)
Dinner will be pork steaks, zucchini and garden tomatoes - not my garden :-(

Breakfast tomorrow will be a scrambled egg "muffin" with taco meat. I'll have to put a lot of cheese on top because they look disgusting.
Lunch - chicken salad or ham sandwich
Dinner - ???? I should make soup since it's supposed to be 72 degrees. I'll have to dig in the freezer and see what I can find.

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