Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Azure Standard Order

Let me just tell you that Julie's brand of ice cream is AMAZING! It's quite pricey, organic and I can read every word on the label. I will not order this every time, well maybe I will. Yummy! The hemp milk....EWWWWWW. Almond milk - ummmm not so good, but maybe we can figure out something to do with it. We're learning that my son doesn't do well eating a lot of dairy so we're trying to figure out what amounts he can tolerate.

Anyway, here's what I got:
  • 10 pounds organic carrots (remember when I said I'd never buy organic - never say never). Last time we ate 5 pounds within 10 days!
  • 10 pounds of frozen blueberries. Eaten plain and used in our healthy ice cream. Shared with a friend
  • 3 pounds organic onions $3.40
  • 1 coconut...this should be an interesting experiment!
  • Dehydrated pears...these are delicious! You can only eat one though because they are so sweet. What a wonderful treat! I don't care for the pineapple, way too sweet!
  • Almond meal flour to try out some baked goodies.
  • The Rumiano sweet cream butter is so good you can eat it plain. Oh yeah, sometimes I do.
  • some mustard, cashews, and spices
  • Total with shipping $109.00
    • I budget $50 per month for my Azure Standard order. I had to "find" $59 from my cash envies: $20 came from entertainment/kid stuff for the ice cream and the hemp/almond milk. $20 came from my change. $10 I pulled from my "weekly grocery shopping envelopes" and $9 I pulled from my misc. envelope.
I NEVER thought they'd deliver to my neck of the woods so call them today to find out if they deliver in your area!

This is not a paid advertisement for Azure Standard, I just like what I buy from them!

This post is linked to:
Money Saving Mom
Grocery Cart Challenge


  1. I have heard of Azure Standard, but never used them. I will look into it.

  2. Try Rice Dream milk. I went through a bunch of different kinds and think this one tastes the best.
