Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grocery Shopping

My Trip to WalMart and Leuders:
You can read what I spent $40 on when you click over to my google spreadsheet. We had a huge salad last night using the leftover steak we had from Father's Day. I am LOVING the 1/4 of a beef in my freezer!

In order to get more vegetables and fruits into our diet, I am trying to get everything washed  right when I get home from the store. I pour a blob of vinegar in a bowl, fill it with water and then add the veggie/fruit. After they have soaked for a bit, I scrub them and then rinse a few times. Here's the mess I made yesterday...which sat out all day long until we got home at 8:00 last night from the baseball game. Making the salad was easy though!

Frugal Tip: Don't buy veggies already cut up for you...save yourself the money and do it yourself. 

Find more frugal tips over at Life as Mom!
Check out Money Saving Mom for grocery deals.

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