Friday, March 26, 2010

Frugal Tip - Check Your Receipt!

This seems so obvious to me now, but years ago, I couldn't be bothered to spend a couple of minutes checking my receipt. Actually, that's not true. It wouldn't have done any good because I didn't know any of my prices. I used to walk up and down every aisle putting stuff in my cart that looked good. No wonder I was spending $600-$800 on food a month! That was 10 years ago so imagine what those same groceries would cost me today!

This morning I had to take my son to school a little early so my daughter and I had some time together. We had our special time at McDonald's, got gas for my bug and still had some time to kill. We decided to go to Safeway to grab another bag of lettuce for our salad tonight. This bag of lettuce was supposed to be $1.00. It was in the sales ad and it was in the section of salads marked $1.00.

When we went up to pay, it rang up at $3.49. The cashier fixed the "problem" for us. As we were walking off she was trying to get the price fixed. She found out that this salad wasn't on sale for $1.00; rather that bag of lettuce had been placed in the wrong spot. I don't know what the difference was between this bag of lettuce and the other bags that were out. Maybe because it said "New"?

Had I bought this with a bunch of other items it might not have been so noticeable. I had my $1.06 out so it was very obvious!

Your frugal tip of the day - Know your prices and watch your receipt!

This post is linked to:
 We Are THAT Family - WFMW
Life as Mom

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